National Assessment and Accreditation Council - NAAC
Criterion - V
5. Student Support and Progression
5. Student Support and Progression
5.1.1. Government Scholarships/Free ships
5.1.2. Capacity development and skills enhancement activities
5.1.3. Guidance for Competitive Examinations and Career Counseling
5.1.4. Redressal of Student Grievances
5.2. Student Progression |
5.2.1. Placement and Higher Education
5.2.2. Students qualifying in state/ national/ international level
5.3. Student Participation and Activities |
5.3.1. Students Achievements in Sports/Cultural
5.3.2. Students Participation in Sports/Cultural
5.4. Alumni Engagement |
5.4.1. Alumni Association that contributes significantly to the development of the institution through support services