Criterion - VI
6. Governance, Leadership and Management |
6.1. Institutional Vision and Leadership |
6.1.1. Governance of the Institution and Participative Management |
6.2. Strategy Development and Deployment |
6.2.1. Institutional Perspective Plan and Organogram |
6.2.2. E-governance |
6.3. Faculty Empowerment Strategies |
6.3.1. Performance Appraisal System, Effective Welfare Measures for teaching and non-teaching staff and avenues for career development/progression |
6.3.3. Faculty development
Programmes (FDP), Management Development Programmes (MDPs) professional
development /Administrative Training Programs |
6.4. Financial Management and Resource Mobilization |
6.4.1. Mobilization of Funds and Financial Audits |
6.5. Internal Quality Assurance System |
6.5.1. IQAC Contribution and Reviews of Teaching Learning Process |
6.5.2. Quality Assurance
Initiatives |